Research project

LOGOS/RES Social housing as a resource: energy, economy, social environment

Research project funded by Innoviris Prospective Research Program

Giulia Marino
Chiara Cavalieri
Alexandre Bossard
Morgane Bos
Rue des Brigittines housing estate, Brussels, 1969-1971
Rue des Brigittines housing estate, Brussels, 1969-1971

The research project looks at the current state and future of public social housing buildings built in the Brussels-Capital Region from the end of the 19th century until the first oil crisis in 1973. Social housing was built on a massive scale after 1945, oftenas an emergency response to changing social and demographic dynamics, and today it remains one of the essential pillars of our society. In the Brussels Region, as elsewhere in Europe, this quantitatively important and qualitatively heterogeneous housing stock also represents a vast renovation project. Remarkable and accomplished, or banal and ordinary, social housing buildings are now in the spotlight, the subject of massive interventions aimed atbringing them up to standard, most of the time major operations carried out atgreat expense. This extensive and composite body of work is therefore acatalyst for the ins and outs of the debate on a society that aims to be both inclusive and sustainable. The aim, therefore, is to explain the issues at stake in the actions taken over the last twenty years in the field of publicsocial housing in the Brussels-Capital Region, to highlight their coherence andappreciate their strengths, but also to identify the constraints, or even the vulnerabilities and shortcomings, which are sources of recurring blockages. Conducted using a range of disciplinary and methodological tools capable of considering its many facets those of the architectural project, but also those of building physics, construction economics and the analysis of social practices reflection on the renovation of social housing today appears to be essential and urgent. Itis from this in-depth anamnesis and by putting established practices to the test that the essential trajectories for meeting the future challenges of the next two generations.


LOGOS/RES Social housing as a resource: energy, economy, social environment, Directed by UCLouvain/LAB/Super-Positions (professors Giulia Marino, Chiara Cavalieri; researchers Alexandre Bossard, Morgane Bos), in partnership with UCLouvain/LAB/Uses&Spaces (professors Gérald Lédent, Audrey Courbebaisse), UCLouvain/LAB Architecture et Climat (professor Geoffrey van Moeseke), ULB/CEESE (professor Marek Houdon, Sandrine Meyer), UCLouvain/Saint-Louis/IRIB (professor Nicolas Bernard), research project supported by Innoviris Prospective Research Program, 2022-2025.


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